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电视猫时间: 2024-07-08 11:31:29


To run a PHP script in the background using nohup, you can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing your PHP script: Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where your PHP script is located.

  2. Use the nohup command: Execute the following command, replacing my_script.php with the actual filename of your PHP script:

nohup php my_script.php &

Explanation of the command:

  • nohup: Stands for "no hangup," which means the process will continue to run even if you log out of the terminal session.
  • php: Invokes the PHP interpreter to execute the script.
  • my_script.php: The filename of your PHP script.
  • &: Runs the command in the background and returns you to the prompt.

Additional options:

  • Redirect output: You can redirect the output of the script to a log file using >. For example, to redirect the output to a file named output.log, use:
nohup php my_script.php > output.log &
  • Redirect error output: You can redirect error output to a separate file using 2>&1. For example, to redirect error output to a file named error.log, use:
nohup php my_script.php 2>&1 > output.log &
  • Specify the working directory: If your script needs to access files in a specific directory, you can specify the working directory using -C:
nohup php -C /path/to/working/directory my_script.php &

Monitoring the background process:

  • Check process status: Use the ps command to list running processes. Look for the php process associated with your script.
ps -ef | grep my_script.php
  • View process details: Use the top command to view detailed information about running processes, including CPU and memory usage. Find the php process associated with your script and check its resource usage.


  • Permissions: Ensure your script has the necessary permissions to be executed.
  • Syntax errors: Check your script for any syntax errors that might prevent it from running correctly.
  • Resource limitations: If your script is consuming excessive CPU or memory, it might be terminated by the system due to resource constraints.

Remember that running scripts in the background using nohup can detach them from your terminal session, so you'll need to use other methods to monitor and manage them.
